
I decided to post some of my projects that I have done since the start of TY.


Trip around the world!

We were asked to pick two first world, two second world, and two third world countries and find out things about each country and things you can do there. We had to stay in each country for 2 months and get flights and accomatdation for each country, all on a €12,000 budget.


After we finished our trip around the world project, we were paired up with someone else who did one of the same countries and we had to create a presentation to try and sell the country as a holiday destination.



Favorite Movie scene!

Near the beginning of the year in english, we were asked to chose our favorite scene from our favorite movie and put together a presentation about the particular scene. We had to put together a few slides commenting on the camera shots, camera angles and lighting! The movie that I chose was 'The notebook'. I didnt have to spend a lot of time deciding my scene because I knew what I wanted to do when we were first given the project! I decided to write about the last scene in the movie!



Millenium development Goals!

At the start of the year in religion, we began learning about the millenium development goals. After we briefly learned about all 8 MDGs, we were split into 8 groups and each group were given one of the 8 goals. we had to research our goal and then we were asked to create a presentation on our goal! I was in a group with Aideen and Caitlin and our goal was goal 8, which is - A global partnership for development. When we finished our powerpoint, we were asked to present it to the class.
Here is our presentation on goal 8!

Briary Gap!

After finishing our mdg projects, Mrs G. asked us if we would like to write a drama and enter into a competition called the Briary Gap competition. We decided to get the inspiration for our dramas from the Millenium development goals. The class was split into two groups- one group did their play on homelessness and the other on The effects of wars. Here is the script for our drama!





The changes in forms and functions of government!

At the beginning of the year in history, we were learning about the different forms and functions of different governments and how they changed over time. when we finished this section in the course, we were asked to choose a country and write about the change in the forms and functions in the goverment of this country. I chose the government of Great Britain and chose to focus in on the middle ages, the victorian era and Britain in the present day.



Slí Bheatha!

Near the beginning of the year in Irish, we were put into pairs and given a job. We were asked to research the job, giving what they do and where they might work. Myself and Katie were given 'Altra'- Which is a nurse.

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