So its our second week back and to be honest, I was really looking forward to coming back. Since last week, we have been getting exam results and projects from before Christmas back. We are also being given new projects to start.
In geography, we have started studying medical geography. This is basically learning about disease and where and how they occur in the world. We were given the task of finding the top ten diseases, both in developed and developing countries. I found it really interesting to compare the diseases. Along with that we have all been given different diseases, and we have to make a leaflet displaying what the disease is, symptoms, vaccinations, causes and treatment. the disease that I was given is malaria. Even though we have only started the topic, i know that I am going to enjoy it.
In Home ec., we have started to collect materials for making Teddy bears. We have also starting baking. Yesterday we made apple crumble. In art, we have started portraits of celebrities using old cassette tapes. In science we are working on our project for sci fest, which is due for the start of February. We are doing our project on factors that influence dreams.